freshly cut grass, 2022

5.27 min

Freshly cut grass is a condition. It carries the weight of childhood summers, the hum of insects in thick air, the slow choreography of clouds in a Dutch sky. It is the feeling of lying down and vanishing, swallowed by the landscape.

In Freshly cut grass, I attempt to map the texture of nostalgia, to explore the quiet ache of remembering a time when the world felt seamless, when the self was not yet separate from its surroundings. My own childhood existed mostly in nature. The cow, in this film, is a portal. It is both subject and witness, a living reminder of slowness, of presence, of the way we were always part of the land before we learned to leave it. I center this animal, and ask myself: what does it mean to belong to the earth? What happens when we forget?

‘freshly cut grass’ has also been part of the group show “phase” at the latent space gallery in chicago in november 2022.