Gray walls, 2024

video, sound, text 13.55 min

Gray walls is an experimental soundscape and video installation that utilizes archival material from the daily lives of Chicago residents between the 1980s and 1990s. The work combines disorienting imagery and sound to create an oppressive atmosphere, focusing on themes such as alienation, identity, and the longing for a sense of home. The video’s editing is deliberately fragmented and chaotic, making it challenging for the viewer to find a sense of grounding. By distorting and restructuring the visuals, the piece evokes a sense of disorientation, mirroring the inner struggles of individuals trying to find their footing in an environment where they are often perceived as outsiders.  

It not only evokes nostalgia for a bygone era but also highlights the universal experience of uprootedness, transcending time and place. The video serves as an invitation to reflect on the complexity of the concept of "home" and the human search for connection in a world that often feels indifferent.

Gray walls has been exhibited at the Anadolu University gallery in Eskisehir in January 2025 and has been part of the group show “2” at the latent space gallery in Chicago in May 2024.